Today. i woke up early in the morning 7am. Unussual things happen to me. lolx! I had a breakfast. A cup of Quaker Oat. Love your heart! ^^,. then i took a shower. pergh!! so cold.. argh! then i had a lil bit touched up on my hair then go to Ampang Point Bas Station to meet a bas driver. Mr.Safa. Pergh. he's cool dude.!
then i went to Taman Dagang to fetch a Korean's group. i meet Mr.Mustafa, he is Korean Muslim & he can speak malay very well. nice to know him acctually. very nice person.
after fetch them at Taman Dagang Avanue, we continue our journey to Malacca. The trip took 2hours journey. after arrived at Malacca, we went to Christ Church, we had been given an explaination by a person who incharge to give a information bout da church. ^^, i also gain a new and interesting knowledge.
after dat, we went to Saint Paul Church located at top of the hill, was called Bukit Bendera be4.
after give some commentary to the korean people ( their are kids acctually, no need to talk much) we had lunch at NEWTON Food Court. after had our lunch, all of us went to Muzium Samudera. ^^, below are a fews pictures i captured during my guiding today. ^^,

Infront of Saint Paul Statue

Inside Saint Paul Church.
The kids singing 1 of Church's song. forgot the name acctually.

Cute aren't they?
After finish my Malacca Tour guiding. we all went back to Kuala Lumpur. we arrived n dropped the group at Taman Dagang Avanue around 6.40pm. after that i meet azrain. juz seing my old buddy. long time didn't see him with his brand new bikes. NAZA GTR 150. ahah!
(skali die pow aku rokok sampoerna hijau sekotak. CEH! )
Then after 'lepak-ing' at Pelita Ampang Point, we went to my house. i let him heard my brand new songs from my new bands. ^^, after a while azrain went home becoz it was late already. then i get ready to fetch my mom at Bukit Bintang at 10pm.
after fetch my mom we went to Desa Pandan had our supper. ^^, he ate Nasi Lemak. quite Okay la. not bad. after had supper with my mom i meet Razif, Muiz, & Mus. we play DOTA. hehe.~
but 1 friend of mine was past away diz evening. i know bout it around 12am++ at the night. then i went to Hospital Kuala Lumpur with Razif to give a last honour to Pipin. Rest in Peace. Laid to Rest. Hope God Bless You.. Al-Fatihah. Amin.~
p/s: saje nk test tulis English. nk biasa kan. sorry ah kalo english tunggang langgang. ^^,
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